Welcome to my space!

@Winthrop House

I am a budding economist and engineer.


Computer Science

I was city born and city bred in Shanghai, China. My school years spanned in China, the US, Australia and Singapore.

I explore engineering solutions for the global economy and the utilization of equitable, collaborative tech and algorithms in economic models, especially for empowerment of the global south.


It's the theme across my identity and everything I do. We humans tend to think in ways of duality - good, bad; war, peace;... It's the source of divide.

Maybe we aren't that different despite the stark disparities. We share similar DNA sequencing and frequencies. Our identity should never be defined as a title or our given name.

I seek to express a balance of masculinity and femininity through a balance of creation and insights.

My Projects

Get in touch

+1 6262087101